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If there was one school that could give wings to stories and ideas, it had to be MICA. It not only felt like home, but opened my doors to the world of Marketing and Advertising.

THIS curriculum was one that spoke my language- media ethics, behavioral economics. strategic brand management, semiotics, culture and conflict, digital transformations. Our assignments were live briefs or long essays of reflection.

It was also an exciting time where digital marketing was going ‘viral’, and no visiting faculty had an answer to how ‘measurable’ any efforts in digital were. So I put all the theories to test as part of the music committee on campus, Studio7, where we represented artists digitally to grow their reach and garner them a larger audience, while also curating content off live events that we hosted on campus.

I took my two years of MICA as a space for exploration and incubation, which shapes the basis of the creative work I do today.



Intern, Paper Boat Drinks


Studio7, Creative Head
